Charity event collects almost 70 Mio Euros to support patients and find a cure for rare genetic diseases
Organized annually since 1987 by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM), the AFM-Téléthon is one of the biggest fundraising events worldwide. With the help of French public television many events take place on the first weekend of December and broadcasted live inciting French citizens and beyond to donate for research in the field of rare genetic diseases. Next to the aim of finding a cure, the donations also benefit patients whose diseases are progressive and severely disabling. The funds are used to improve quality healthcare and to make sure it is accessible to those in need. Last weekend, in a 30 jour fundraising marathon this year’s Téléthon collected 69.290.089 €. While this is a significant decrease compared to last year’s result (-8.4 %) the lines remain open for further donations up until the end of the year. CureCN partner Généthon was created by AFM-Téléthon in 1990 and is fully dedicated to the design and development of gene therapy treatments for rare neuromuscular diseases, immune system or blood disorders, eye disorders and liver diseases.