
CN Day 2021 – Celebration for Crigler-Najjar patients all over the world

June 21 is the World Crigler-Najjar Day. The aim of this day is to raise awareness about the ultra-rare Crigler-Najjar syndrom and to support the affected patients. This annual event was created and launched by the French Crigler-Najjar Association (AFCN) in 2017 and is now celebrating its 5th edition. As in previous years, everybody is invited to take pictures with the well-known symbols and colours of the disease (yellow, blue, sunflower) and share them on social media using the hashtag #everybodyinyellowandblue.

The French patient association is providing some visuals (pictures, banner and poster) that have been created especially for the occasion of the CN Day. Those can be downloaded here and used for any contributions on social media related to the CN Day.

People are also invited to share documents, posters, videos, websites, and to organise events in yellow and blue (as far as possible under the current pandemic conditions and restrictions). In addition, a series of web meetings will be organised to gather and inform CN families from all over the world. For more information, please check the following website: