
Developing a curative gene therapy for Crigler-Najjar syndrome.
The CureCN project has ended.

GenoSafe (GNS) was incorporated in 2003 and is specialised in the evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of biotherapeutic products with a focus on gene therapy. From non-clinical research to clinical trials, the company conducts custom-designed studies meeting client-specific needs in strict compliance with regulatory requirements. This includes assay development and validation, product testing and data analysis.

The team of GenoSafe is composed of scientists, project managers, technicians as well as regulatory and business development officers with longstanding experience in the evaluation of gene- and cell-based therapeutic products.

Staff members involved

  • Photo of
    Laurence Jeanson-Leh
    Team Leader
  • Photo of
    Aymeric Huguenot
    Team Member
GenoSafe logo
1 rue de l’internationale
91000 Evry